Jackson County

Founded in 1837, Jackson County was named after U.S President Andrew Jackson. Within Jackson County, there are four protected areas: Bellevue State Park, Driftless Area National Wildlife Refuge, Maquoketa Caves State Park and the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. The Hurstville Interpretive Center is a great learning environment that is fun for kids and adults. The Old City Hall Gallery has art from internationally recognized Jackson County residents.
Date of HBI Establishment: October 2024
Website: www.jacksoncounty.iowa.gov
Contact: Kelley Brown / KelleyBrown@TheJCEA.org / 563-652-4549
Cities: About Home Base Iowa Cities

About Home Base Iowa Cities

Home Base Iowa cities provide additional resources and discounts for veterans who relocate to these communities. The incentives stand alone or complement those offered by the county and state. All the cities listed have passed a city council resolution supporting the program, provide an incentive/welcome package, ensure 10 percent of eligible businesses are involved with Home Base Iowa and have the option to purchase Home Base Iowa signage.

Click on the other tabs to view veteran resources, higher educational institutions and all county and statewide incentives.

County Veteran Offices

These should be veterans first point of contact and every county has a Commissioner of Veterans Affairs and a County Veterans Director. These offices assist veterans with compensation/pensions, medical care, military records, grave markers and veteran home loans. Some counties also have dedicated funds to assist with temporary shelter/utilities, food/health supplies, medical/dental, job placement, counseling and transportation. Visit the County Veterans Office page and click on the county of residence.  

IowaWORKS Centers

IowaWORKS Centers are committed to providing quality employment services to all military service members and their spouses. All veterans and their spouse may be eligible for priority service.  Please let a team member know upon check-in of your veteran status. IowaWORKS Centers provide a full range of job/career assistance. Individual services include:

  • Career counseling and job search skills development
  • Help locating employment and Registered Apprenticeship opportunities
  • Academic skill testing and hands-on computer classes
  • Creating resumes/cover letters and interview preparation

Iowa National Guard Services

The Warrior & Family Services Branch is a Joint Force initiative that provides assistance to all military families, regardless of branch or component, who find themselves beyond the support capability of active duty military facilities or their home units. The Warrior & Family Services Branch acts as a network that allows families to mutually support one another. By providing families with information, resources and support, the program strengthens both the unit and service members. To learn more about these services, visit the Warrior & Family Services page to learn more.

Iowa Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)

The Iowa ESGR team is comprised of approximately 106 dedicated volunteers and three full-time staff members prepared to engage, inform and support employers and reserve component members throughout the state. Iowa has a proud history of outstanding employer support for reserve component members. Today’s team continues this tradition through a strong emphasis on “prevention through education.” To learn more visit the Iowa ESGR.

Non-Profit Statewide Veteran Support Organizations

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, war-time veteran organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is a community-service organization which has reached nearly three million members, men and women at almost 15,000 American Legion posts worldwide.  The American Legion Department of Iowa is headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa.  The Department Service Office is located in the Federal Building in Des Moines, with an additional office located in the VA Medical Center in Iowa City. Visit the Iowa Legion or email: info@ialegion.org.

An Introduction to CHAMPs

Iowa's Certified Higher Academic Military Partners (CHAMPs) offer higher education incentives to qualified veterans, their spouses and dependents. Benefits include in-state tuition rates, on-campus support, credit for military courses and special financial considerations. 

There are currently no CHAMPs partners located in this county. Please check surrounding communities for CHAMPs offering online programs.

Home purchase incentive 

  • $1,000 incentive  

  • Only 5 approved applications are allowed within a fiscal year.  

  • One time incentive 

  • Home purchase must be after 8/29/2023 

To fulfill the requirements, a veteran must: 

  • Meet Iowa Code §35.1 definition of a Veteran 

  • Be moving from outside the county 

  • Home must be considered a primary residence 

  • Apply within 6 months of closing on the residence 

Required Documentation: 

  • DD214  

  • Proof of previous residency (i.e. utility bill) 

  • Copy of the Deed 

  • Completed application 


Once the application is complete and all required documentation is returned to the Jackson County Veterans Affairs office, an office employee will review and make a decision. If granted, a letter will be generated and a notification will be sent to the Veteran, and contact will be made to the Jackson County Economic Alliance to release funds.  If denied, the Veteran will be sent a letter with an explanation. 

Employment Incentive 

  • $250 incentive 

  • Only 5 approved applications are allowed within a fiscal year 

  • One time incentive 

  • Employment start date must be after 8/29/2023 

To fulfill the requirements, a veteran must: 

  • Meet Iowa Code §35.1 definition of a Veteran 

  • Have 6 months of active employment with a Jackson County business 

  • Have previously worked outside of Jackson County 

Required Documentation: 

  • DD214  

  • Completed application 


Once the application is complete and all required documentation is returned to the Jackson County Veterans Affairs office, an office employee will review all documents and verify current and previous employment with the current employer and make a decision. If granted, a letter will be generated and a notification will be sent to the Veteran, and contact will be made to the Jackson County Economic Alliance to release funds.  If denied, the Veteran will be sent a letter with an explanation. 

Welcome Package 

Every Veteran that meets the Meet Iowa Code §35.1 definition of a Veteran will be given a welcome package containing information regarding local resources and businesses in Jackson County. Veteran must supply a DD214 to the Jackson County Veterans Affairs office for approval.  

Home Base Iowa Statewide Veteran Incentives
The Home Base Iowa Act positions Iowa as a leader in respect, support and employment of veterans through a public-private partnership. The Iowa Legislature passed the Act in a broad bi-partisan manner and then Governor Terry E. Branstad signed it into law on Memorial Day, 2014. The Act contains the following incentives:

Please contact the County Veterans Office or the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs for more information.